We sometimes have special offers on our main website which are not advertised on our school You can view current offers and purchase at those prices here.

This six hour course, starts at Level 1. Here I introduce the senses and sensory processing. Level 2 takes things to the next step. We explore sensory modulation in much further depth, including how differences may present at both home and school. I introduce the concept of arousal and consider how this impacts participation and learning. A framework for how to use sensory strategies is provided. There is also an additional section on sensory processing and autism for those who want to learn more. In Level 3, I explore strategies and supports you can use to help individuals who experience sensory processing differences. Level 3 includes access to Levels 1 and 2.

You can read more information about the course on the Griffin Occupational Therapy website GriffinOT.com. See training under the sensory menu.


'‘Brilliant! I am learning lots and enjoying this. Love the length of the modules as easy to fit into a busy life. Also, the right amount of information to digest/apply to working life without feeling overloaded. Clear, easy to understand. Friendly presenter, nice style and clear communication.’'

'‘It’s great that the modules are ‘bite-size’ and that you can access them whenever you have the time to complete them. Very useful.''

Hi, I’m Kim

I'm an occupational therapist striving to make occupational therapy supports available to all teachers and parents. My goal is to ensure that families and school have immediate access to this occupational therapy expertise. She wants them to know how they can help their children. I've had the privilege of working with many children and their families, as well as teachers.

A core focus of my career has been helping children who have sensory processing difficulties and/or motor skill challenges. This includes extensive experience supporting children with autism/ASD, developmental delays, dyspraxia/DCD and specific learning difficulties. In this this course I share 20 years of experience and knowledge with you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you are unsatisfied with your bundle, we are happy to provide a refund within 30 days, provided less than 50% of the course has been accessed.

How long do I have access to the content?

Typically, you will have 12 months' access to the content. Occasionally there are offers for longer access.